Friday, November 28, 2008

Sleeping?? Shopping?? Relaxing With the Family?? And other random stuff.

Nope. Here I sit at work. UGH. I'm pretty sure I work for one of the only corporate offices that is actually open today. We might as well not be, since 99% of the people who work here took the day off. Seriously, the other side of the 4th floor doesn't even have the lights on. But since someone has to send the wires out, and that is my job, here I am. I must say though, I am getting a lot of internet shopping, emails, and blogging done :) Here's Jenn (the only other girl on my floor) and me goofing off:
So I really hope none of my bosses read my blog :) If so, I'm in hot water.

Let's move on to Thanksgiving, shall we, since we have all day. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving day with your families! Mine was half way wonderful! My MIL came over and we did the whole turkey thing. It was delicious, and Julia promptly passed out afterwards for a 2 1/2 hour nap! I totally took advantage of that and took one myself. Of course we had the left overs for supper, and they were just as good. It was a great day! The reason I say half way wonderful is that my parents went out of town for a little vacation. I really missed not being with them. I understand why they did it, but I still don't have to like it!

I just remembered that I never put up Halloween picutres. Wow, I'm slack.'s my little pirate. Every time someone would open the door at their home, she would say "Aaaar Matey". It was too cute!!!

Ok, I think I'm done! Hope you all have a great day, whatever you might be doing!!