Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday Night Sweetie!

Here's miss Julia playing in her egg chair from Ikea. Her aunt Stacey loves that place and bought this for her there. Apparently it spins all the way around so that became a great game...getting in and closing the cover and having her aunt spin her around and around. Sponge Bob had a good time being spun around too.


Amanda-The Family News! said...

Girl - Avery tried out the spin chair at the IKEA we went to in Tx - he was not so in to it at first...
If you haven't been to IKEA you HAVE to go - you will LOVE it!
Does she go to ATL?

~*~Bre~*~ said...

LOVE the chair! My kiddo needs one ASAP! How was your Thanksgiving? I hope it was great!!