Thursday, February 26, 2009

What Did You Say??

Two year's like another language. Here are some of my favorites from my favorite 2 1/2 year old!!!

"Nanks!" = Thanks

"Bopple" = Apple

"Blanklet" = Blanket
"Excue Me" - Excuse Me

You know, I had a whole list of these prepared in my head. I guess that's what I get for thinking I could remember them!! So hopefully the rest will come back to me, and I'll gladly update :)


Amanda-The Family News! said...

Oh yea - love it.

Right now Avery is into telling me "uh-hu" instead of yes. And when i get something to give him or for him that he doesn't want, he tells me "no momma, put dat back".....

Deborah said...

Sean was slow to talk so Connor is quite entertaining for me with his little statements! I'm behind on blog reading so I just read your 25 things and found them quite interesting. Way more than mine were. I'm contemplating my first tattoo but I think maybe I'm too old now to go down that road.