Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wordless Wednesday (almost)

Here's my little present on Christmas day!! So jolly :D

And here she is playing with her cousin's bf in the nursing home. The residents loved seeing her run up and down the halls.

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Here's yet another one of my "people never cease to amaze me posts." Seems like I have a lot of these. My hubby's family was up from Myrtle Beach this weekend to do Christmas. They have a 8 year old son and a 4 year old daughter. We don't get to see them very often, so yes, it is very nice when they visit. Except EVERY single time we seem them, the daughter is sick. Usually it's just a cold, and I swallow my fear of Julia catching it and let them play. This time however, she had the horrible stomach bug that is going around. Throwing up and diahrea. I could not believe it when they showed up at my house and told me that she was running a fever and had been puking all night. Do they not realize how contagious that is, and that it's a heck of a lot worse on a kid with diapers???? I felt like I was being mean, because I kept saying over and over "Please get out of her face, you're sick." You would have thought she would have caught on after the 1000th time. Now please don't get me wrong, I do understand that kids get sick and that it's impossible to keep your child from catching stuff. I just think it would have been polite to not bring that around my two year old daughter who seems to catch everything. So guys, please say a little prayer for Julia tonight, pray that she doesn't get this one.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

T is for Thursday

Top Ten Thursday - Letter T
Game time!!!!
All you have to do is make a list of ten of your favorite things. But there is a little catch. Everything on the list has to start with a specific letter of the Alphabet. That letter is randomly assigned by the blogger who you are playing with!I got assigned the letter T from All These B's and Me

1. Tigger - I've always been a big fan of the whole gang on Winnie The Pooh. I'm pretty sure my obsession has grown as I've gotten older :)

2. Tiny Toes - Something about a baby's toes just makes me go crazy! So cute and little!! But they have to be baby toes, cause I hate feet once they get big. Seriously, they freak me out. Don't look at mine, and I won't look at yours. LOL (everybody's got something weird about them, right?)

3. Trees - Christmas trees that is!

4. Tivo - I am in love with Tivo. How in the world did we ever live before we had a machine that would record our shows for us while we are watching another show?? Don't want to watch commercials? Badupe badupe badupe (for those of you without Tivo (get it) that's the sound it makes when you fast forward!)

5. Twilight - Oh yeah, I am one of those Twilight freaks. If you haven't read the series, I HIGHLY recommend it. I'm pretty much in love with Edward. You can't help it after you read'll be in love with him too. The only problem is, the books are geared towards teenagers, so there's no action, if you catch my drift ;)

6. Thai Taste - That's our local Thai restaurant. I get the same thing over and over (House Noodles with Beef) but it's so good!! Maybe one day I'll get brave and order something else.

7. Two year olds - I'm not biased or anything, but man I love me a two year old!!!!

8. The Children's Place - I love shopping for Julia's clothes there. They have such cute stuff, and if you're patient, you can catch some great sales!

9. Titanic - My all time favorite movie. I'm pretty sure I've seen it 100 times.

10. Thursdays! - You gotta love Thursdays...cause Friday is just a day away!!!

Let me know if you'd like to play along, I'll assign you a letter!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Amazing Giveaway!

Go check out Jaci at Ravings of a Mad Housewife's A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Giveaway!!! She is hosting an amazing giveaway where 4 Fiestaware place settings are being given away! If you are the winner, you get to pick any color! It's all up to you! How awesome is that???? I'm so excited, and really hope I win! Go check it out.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Miracle Baby

During this festive season, we celebrate the birth of a miracle baby. Of course Jesus is the miracle baby, and this certainly isn't to take away from Him, but I have a miracle baby of my own. Here's Julia's story.
On Julia's birthday, 9/23/06, I made it very clear that I wanted her placed on my chest as soon as she was born. I had read that it was the best time to start bonding, and I could NOT wait to see her. So after my 4 hours of pushing, Julia finally arrived. I was completely exhausted after that, but I was anxiously awaiting them to pull her out and put her on my chest. Only, they didn't. I saw the doctor and the nurse exchange the "look" and they took her to the little table where they examine the babies as soon as they were born. It didn't really hit me that something was wrong, I just thought that maybe they had forgotten. I heard Julia crying, and thought everything was just fine. And thank God, it was. No one ever said anything to me about Julia's "problem". They never explained to me why they didn't grant my wish. Until the next day. Julia's pediatrician came into the room and told me what had happened. Apparently the second Julia was born, she had an aneursym in her umbilical cord. The SECOND she was born. Dr. Donna told me that had it happened one second before it did, she would have died instantly. I still get chills down my spine thinking about it. One second made the difference between life and death. Our doctor also told me that in all of the 20 years she had been a doctor, she had never seen that happen in a full-term baby.
So I thank God for that. I truly do think it's a miracle that the aneurysm didn't happen when she was still dependant on the cord. And I certainly can't imagine my life without Julia!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Pictures

Ahhh yes, December. The time of year when all cute little two year old girls put on their frilly cute Christmas dresses and head out to get their Christmas pictures taken. They laugh, they giggle, they dance around, and they get giddy just at the thought of seeing Santa and having their picture made with him. And then there's Julia:

I'm thinking at this point that she might quite possibly start cussing the photographer out at any moment.

This lovely picture shows off the adorableness (is that a word?) of her expensive dress. Please just overlook her overwhelming joy.

"Surely things get better when she sees Santa" you're all thinking. Here's the BEST one:

I'm seriously thinking that I may never get another good picture of Julia. Seems like after she turned 1 she decided that was it for her. No more smiling. No more cute little cheesy grins. UGH.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Caution! Slippery When Iced Over

Hrmmm, that sign sure would have been helpful Tuesday morning. I was running late (as usual) on Tuesday. Julia and I were running all over this house like mad women. Me, trying to get out the door; Julia, just because that's what she does. I finally got coats on and out the door we went. Our front porch has six steps down to the ground. So apparently when it's 21 degrees outside, those steps freeze over. They are stone, so I couldn't see ice on them. I hit that first step and there I went. I don't remember it, but apparently I let go of Julia's hand and grabbed on to the rail on the way down. As I landed on the bottom, I heard Julia screaming. I just knew she had gotten hurt and frantically tried to find her. Turns out, she was still up at the top of the stairs and had not fallen at all. She was just crying "Mommy Mommy". I guess it scared her pretty bad. I dragged myself up the steps to hold her and tell her I was ok. After a few minutes, she said "Mommy, your shoes" over and over. Turns out she was pretty worried that my shoes were down on the ground instead of on my feet. Ok, that part is pretty funny...she's starting early with the whole women love shoes thing. I finally got up the nerve to put pressure on my leg to see if it was broken...I just knew it was. But nope! Thank God! I am pretty beat up and have a nasty place on my shin, but other than that, I am fine. I am so could have been a lot worse than it was!!!
And oh yeah, I was late. Fortunately, my boss is pretty cool about stuff like that.

Speaking of best friends...he is starting the adopton process! I am so happy for him and can't wait to be an aunt!! I've never been one of those before :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rebel For A Cause

MckMama is hosting a wonderful fund raiser event for an excellent cause, String of Pearls. This organization helps parents who have had to deal with the terrible pain of loosing a child. It's a wonderful cause, and if you donate on MckMama's page, you are entered to win a fabulous Canon Rebel Camera prize package. Go check out her page and the contest by clicking on my button to the left.