Sunday, June 14, 2009

From the Mouths of a Certain Two Year Old...

My daughter is turning out to be quite the comedian! She has grown so much over the last couple of weeks, it just blows my mind. For example:

The other night, I asked her to go put a toy in her room. Just as serious as she could be, she looked up at me and said "Mom, it's just not possible".

Julia was playing with her baby dolls a few nights ago, and she came up to me and said "Ugh, I am just so frustrated!"

Where is she coming up with this stuff? I don't know, but I love it! She is at such a fun age right now. She is enjoying playing some role reversal stuff, where I'm the baby and she's the mommy. I'll have to start crying and she comes over and says "Oh no baby, don't cry...I'm here". It melts my heart <3>

I love this kid!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Money For Nothing

Ok, so I’m usually skeptical about these money for nothing sites. However, I’ve been a member on for about three weeks now, and it’s for real. I learned about the website on (which I LOVE!!!!! He researches all these free samples and which ones are scams, etc…go check it out). All you have to do on is set up your profile (yes, you have to have a cell phone b/c it will send you a confirmation text) and then start clicking on the ads. The companies pay you just to click on the ad. Every Friday YouData puts the funds I’ve made straight into my PayPal account. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but $2.00 - $3.00 a week for absolutely NO WORK is alright with me!!!! And you get referral cash =) You get a dollar for every person that signs up using your referral code, and then a penny for every ad they look at for the first 100. Seriuosly, go check it out…and give me a dollar! Ha!

Friday, May 29, 2009

MIA, Scariest Night of my Life, and Camping

I have been missing in action for a while here. Not sure why the sudden lack in posting, the good Lord knows we’ve had a lot going on that needs to reported! I guess I’ve just been busy. Yeah, we’ll go with that excuse.
So on to the updates…

I had the scariest night of my life last week. I’ve posted before about my horrible fear of ghosts – this one far surpasses that. Kinda lengthy, but here goes. Tuesday, May 19, the wonderful lady that keeps Julia called me around 2:00 saying Julia had woke up from her nap screaming in pain. I called the doctor and went to pick her up. When we got to the dr office, I learned that the only dr open was Dr Donna, who was originally Julia’s doctor. I had had her changed to a different doctor about a year and a half ago for several reasons. So Dr Donna Smith tells us that it is just gas, and sends us on our way with a list of things to buy at the drug store. David was out of town, so we were staying with my parents. Around 6:00, we noticed that Julia felt warm. I gave her some Tylenol, but it didn’t help. Julia was not herself at all. She would just lay there and didn’t say a word all evening. I called the dr back and they advised me to take her to the night clinic. Boy am I glad I did.
My exceptional mother, who I thank God for every day, went with me. While I was filling out the paper work, Julia started vomiting. We were sitting in the waiting room and she started jerking. Then, she clinched up her fist, gurgled, and passed out.
She stopped breathing.
Her little nose and lips were turning blue.
I went running through the back of the clinic to find someone to help us. My mom held it together for all of us, as I was a complete mess. I think Julia started breathing again on her own…I don’t really remember. But they were doing all kinds of things to her. She came to, but was still not “there”. She kept going in and out of consciousness. The doctor there called us an ambulance and sent us to the emergency room. Turns out she has a urinary tract infection, and had a seizure due to the spike in fever – so high and so fast. Poor thing had so many people poking her with IVs and blood samples. It was without a doubt the scariest thing I have ever been through. Julia is fine now, thank God. They put her on a pretty strong antibiotic, which she finishes today.
Ummmm, gas? Really? Let's add that one to another list of reasons that I WILL NEVER EVER ALLOW MY CHILD TO SEE DR. DONNA AGAIN.

On to happier news:
Last weekend we went camping with the parents. It’s kinda become a tradition of ours…we go to the lake and hang out all weekend any opportunity we have! Julia really enjoys it, and loves exploring the campgrounds. Here’s some pictures of our trip =)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Only Me...part 2

So yeah, this morning was just like every other morning. I arrived at work around 8:00, parked in the garage and walked to the building. I got on the elevator with 4 other people, 2 of which were men, so of course they let us ladies on first. I was the first off the elevator when we got to the 4th floor. So I walk to my desk, sit down and work until around 9 when I go into my boss's office for a chat. We chat and then head out to the break room for coffee. As I'm walking out of the office, my boss (and best friend) says "ummmmmm, Becky" and I say "ummmmm, what?".
He then walks over to me and pulls not one, but two knee highs off my shirt. That's right...two knee highs in the perfect X formation had been stuck to the back of my shirt all morning. Now you KNOW those men I got on the elevator with saw did everyone else I came in contact with before 9:00.

Sigh...only me

Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Pictures

Seems I forgot to do my Easter post. Oops! Easter Sunday was absolutely gorgeous! Julia woke up and discovered the Easter bunny had left her a basket, and she was very excited! We ate dangerous amounts of candy, and then got ready for church. Here's the lovely lady before heading out the door:
We had a lovely sermon at church, and then the teenagers hid eggs for the little kids to find. Julia had a great time, and my heart was warmed by what I saw in the playground: all of the bigger kids obviously found all the eggs before the little kids even got out there good. I could tell the little ones were upset, but then I noticed the older kids taking the eggs out of their baskets and placing them on the ground close to the little ones. I almost cried it was so sweet. I would have never expected them to do something like that. But Julia, and all the other 2 year olds were so happy and just had a blast after that. =)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thanks a lot, Jules

Sigh...are there no secrets any more? Can no one be trusted?

Last night, Julia woke up screaming at the top of her lungs. Usually, David sleeps (or pretends to) right through the middle of the night wake up calls, but for some reason he got up for this one. I heard him make his way into her room, and then as he got right to her crib, I heard her yell
Geez, thanks a lot Julia. You weren't supposed to say anything.
Hahahahaha I have laughed about that one all day.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Worst-Cousin-Ever Award

And the award goes to...drum roll!!! Ugh. So my little cousin (well, she's not really that little anymore, she's 24) and I have always been close. I mean, we don't hang out much, but we are close. Recently she got admitted into the hospital with the flu, and because she's diabetic, things were a lot worse for her. She ended up having to stay for 5 days. She got merca (is that right?) and it was just bad. Well, I stayed away. I didn't go see her because I was afraid of Julia catching the flu. If it had just been me, I would have been there, but I didn't want Julia to catch that. So I didn't go. Well, I learned tonight that she was very hurt that no one in my family came to see her until yesterday (the day she was discharged). I can't blame her, I would have been hurt too. She said that she didn't blame me for not coming, but I could just tell that she really didn't mean it. She even threw in there that her dad's family were there the day she got admited. And that is bad...cause they are worthless. I simply feel horrible. And I know her mom has got to be mad about it too, because she is very protective of her, and will get upset if anyone hurts her. And I worry so much about not having anybody mad at me. I can't stand the thought of them being upset with me. Ugh!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

William Eschenbach

You know, we take things for granted. We always assume there will be tomorrow to tell our children how much we love them and how proud we are to be their parents. I find myself doing that all the time. Well, not so much the telling Julia how much I love her part, but putting off doing stuff with her until tomorrow. She'll want to play or something at night and I'm so busy doing all my social stuff that I tell her "just a minute". Well what if there's not another minute.

Yesterday evening, the local news broke into my television program to report that a little boy in my city was missing. He was only 2 years old and it appears his older sister opened the gate while they were in the back yard playing and he took off. The mom had stepped inside to tend to the infant baby she had. And just like that, he was gone. His back yard backed up to 200 acres of woods, and the Tyger River was only a mile back. They put out a call for volunteers, and my heart was warmed by the number of people that showed up to help the little boy. Over 500 people was the last report I heard. Unfortunately, the emergency personnel only ended up letting 28 people help. They said that having too many people would hender their search efforts. My husband was one of the people that showed up, only to be turned away. But that's not really the point. The crews searched all night long and into this morning.

The local sheriff let us all know that they found little William this morning around 11:30 in the Tyger River. The dogs followed his tracks right up to the river edge. This child, this innocent, precious boy just jumped right in. They found an area not too far away where he had stopped to play. We were all watching the live feed on the internet at work. I just sat there and sobbed. I can't even begin to imagine what this mother is going through. And the little sister that opened the gate. I hope that she doesn't have to carry that guilt around with her as long as she lives. I'm not sure how old she is, so I don't know if this is something that she'll remember the details of. I hope not.
This story breaks my heart. William is the same age as Julia, so this really hit close to home. I can see her doing that...being so carefree, and just knowing that she's untouchable, and that someone will be there to catch her. I pray that God took William's soul before he had to suffer in that water.

So needless to say, I held Julia a little tighter tonight. I didn't get frustrated when she wanted to play while I was trying to Facebook. I held her a little longer when rocking her before bed. I love that little girl with all of my heart.
God bless William and his family.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

What Did You Say??

Two year's like another language. Here are some of my favorites from my favorite 2 1/2 year old!!!

"Nanks!" = Thanks

"Bopple" = Apple

"Blanklet" = Blanket
"Excue Me" - Excuse Me

You know, I had a whole list of these prepared in my head. I guess that's what I get for thinking I could remember them!! So hopefully the rest will come back to me, and I'll gladly update :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

My hubby is quite the romantic one! Ok, so maybe only on the holidays, but he certainly does well when they roll around. Yesterday morning, I was paged down to the front desk for a delivery. And when I got there, these were waiting for me: The picture isn’t very good, but the roses and vase are absolutely beautiful!! And they sure are making my work area smell wonderful!

And here are the flowers from last Valentines Day, since I wasn’t blogging back then…

(pay no attention to the collage of an adorable baby behind them)

Hope your day was great and romantic!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 Things About Me

Well, I figured since I had already written this up for a thing going around on Facebook, I might as well go ahead and post it on here. I have been VERY blogger slack, and I do apologize. It just doesn't seem that too much has been going on! So here's a couple of things you might not know, or care to, but nonetheless...
1.My granddaddy is E.P. Todd (you know, as in E.P. Todd Elementary)
2.I have a Winnie the Pooh tattoo on my back
3.I want to get another, but I don’t know what/where.
4.My birthday falls on the date the Titanic sank, World War II started, and Abe Lincoln was shot. Nice.
5.My dream job is to work at a mattress testing site. I’d settle with being an English teacher.
6.I HATE feet. Ugh
7.I smoked for 10 years. February 8th will be my 4th year smoke-free.
8.I started my first job when I was 15. I worked hard at Burger King, and loved it.
9.I don’t know how to cook. I should have learned from my grandmother, but didn’t even try.
10.I am the mother of a two year old, and twin angels in Heaven who would be 3 next month.
11.I love to sleep (See number 5). When my sister keeps Julia overnight on Fridays, I usually sleep until 1 or 2:00 the next day.
12.I would give anything to move back to Boiling Springs. Anyone want to buy a house in Enoree??? No, really.
13.I have a freaky obsession with license plates. I memorize everyone in my family’s, and since they came out with the new SC ones, I’ve been obsessively watching for the next letter to come out. Anyone seen an E yet??? Nope, didn’t think so. LOL
14.I can’t carry a tune in a bucket. I love to sing, but like to have people around me, so I don’t do it. I also think that others should know when they can’t sing…like someone I sit very close to at work…hint hint…please.stop.singing.
15.I’m too sensitive.
16.I’ve been to Canada and Seattle, WA. Random, yes, but both far away
17.New York city is my favorite! I’ve been twice, and would go every year if I could afford it.
18.I want to get a crunchy ice machine in my house. I could eat crunchy ice (like at the Beacon) all day every day

19.I love reality TV: Survivor, American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, Biggest Looser, on and on and on
20.I am having a hard time thinking of things to say about myself. I’ve been working on this for 3 days.

21.I have my motorcycle license, and rode a Honda Shadow Aero 750 until I got pregnant and sold it.

22.I am TERRIFIED of ghosts. My honeymoon was horrible because we stayed at Number Two Meeting Street in Charleston and I cried the whole time because I was so scared. My husband just HAD to pick the oldest town to go to. He paid for it though.

23.I’m a huge fan of Harry Potter, Twilight, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.
24. I think Tivo is the best thing ever invented! I’m not sure how I survived before we got it.

25.I have loved reconnecting with some old friends on Facebook. I’m also a big fan of Myspace.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Walking In a Winter, dusting

Sigh. Gotta love the South. Everyone in the Upstate of SC was very excited last night (well, everyone except the Northerners who came down here to get away from the snow). The weatherman was telling us we'd wake up to snow...and a good bit of it. I prepped myself for snow cream. It's been so long since I'd had it, I wasn't sure I remembered how to make it, but man was I ready to try!! I had Julia's snow suit ready to go. I woke up this morning early and ran to the window, only to see what has come to be the normal once-per-year-snow for the South. Just a light dusting. I was so disappointed. Julia, however, saw it as she walked past the door and started jumping up and down yelling "Mommy, SNOW!!!" Poor thing...this light dusting is the only snow she's seen, and she was excited about it. I tried to tell her about the great snow of ' remember the one - out of school for 2 weeks...but you know, 2 year olds don't listen to stories about the good ol' days too much. Why can't we have snow like that anymore? That was the life! I remember having so much fun when I was little, as we'd get a pretty good snow every year. Can we say global warming?? Oh well, maybe next year.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Little Princess

Julia got a Cinderella dress-up kit from Santa, and she loves it!! Here she is, doing some modeling...Enjoy!

Oh wait! We have an unexpected model!!!

Can we say blackmail??????

Monday, January 5, 2009


Yes, here it is 11:54 and I am blogging. Of course I know that I have to get up in 6 hours, but I just couldn't sleep. I've been lying in bed for over an hour with my mind just racing. I hate it! Here's what's been going through my mind: What's for lunch tomorrow? What will the weather be? How should I dress Julia? Did my ex-boyfriend from 8 years ago cheat on me? Should I send him an email on MySpace and ask him? Wonder if anybody has posted a blog since I checked 1 hour and 10 minutes ago. Did I put those clothes in the dryer?, and about some really crazy stuff. All the while, my dear hubby lies there snoring. Ugh. Well, now Julia is crying, so that gives me an excuse to be up...