Sunday, June 14, 2009

From the Mouths of a Certain Two Year Old...

My daughter is turning out to be quite the comedian! She has grown so much over the last couple of weeks, it just blows my mind. For example:

The other night, I asked her to go put a toy in her room. Just as serious as she could be, she looked up at me and said "Mom, it's just not possible".

Julia was playing with her baby dolls a few nights ago, and she came up to me and said "Ugh, I am just so frustrated!"

Where is she coming up with this stuff? I don't know, but I love it! She is at such a fun age right now. She is enjoying playing some role reversal stuff, where I'm the baby and she's the mommy. I'll have to start crying and she comes over and says "Oh no baby, don't cry...I'm here". It melts my heart <3>

I love this kid!


Amanda-The Family News! said...

OH yes, I know just what you mean about the stuff out of these toddler's mouths!!!
It's amazing!
Trust me, they pick it up from us!! :)
She is TOO cute in that dress!!!

Ohilda said...

Oh Becky, that is SO cute! I can't get over how much she's grown. I definitely need to find the time to get over here more often and get my refills of Julia cuteness!



Unknown said...

Becky! Where have you been? I've missed reading your blog--hope you're doing well!