Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 Things About Me

Well, I figured since I had already written this up for a thing going around on Facebook, I might as well go ahead and post it on here. I have been VERY blogger slack, and I do apologize. It just doesn't seem that too much has been going on! So here's a couple of things you might not know, or care to, but nonetheless...
1.My granddaddy is E.P. Todd (you know, as in E.P. Todd Elementary)
2.I have a Winnie the Pooh tattoo on my back
3.I want to get another, but I don’t know what/where.
4.My birthday falls on the date the Titanic sank, World War II started, and Abe Lincoln was shot. Nice.
5.My dream job is to work at a mattress testing site. I’d settle with being an English teacher.
6.I HATE feet. Ugh
7.I smoked for 10 years. February 8th will be my 4th year smoke-free.
8.I started my first job when I was 15. I worked hard at Burger King, and loved it.
9.I don’t know how to cook. I should have learned from my grandmother, but didn’t even try.
10.I am the mother of a two year old, and twin angels in Heaven who would be 3 next month.
11.I love to sleep (See number 5). When my sister keeps Julia overnight on Fridays, I usually sleep until 1 or 2:00 the next day.
12.I would give anything to move back to Boiling Springs. Anyone want to buy a house in Enoree??? No, really.
13.I have a freaky obsession with license plates. I memorize everyone in my family’s, and since they came out with the new SC ones, I’ve been obsessively watching for the next letter to come out. Anyone seen an E yet??? Nope, didn’t think so. LOL
14.I can’t carry a tune in a bucket. I love to sing, but like to have people around me, so I don’t do it. I also think that others should know when they can’t sing…like someone I sit very close to at work…hint hint…please.stop.singing.
15.I’m too sensitive.
16.I’ve been to Canada and Seattle, WA. Random, yes, but both far away
17.New York city is my favorite! I’ve been twice, and would go every year if I could afford it.
18.I want to get a crunchy ice machine in my house. I could eat crunchy ice (like at the Beacon) all day every day

19.I love reality TV: Survivor, American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, Biggest Looser, on and on and on
20.I am having a hard time thinking of things to say about myself. I’ve been working on this for 3 days.

21.I have my motorcycle license, and rode a Honda Shadow Aero 750 until I got pregnant and sold it.

22.I am TERRIFIED of ghosts. My honeymoon was horrible because we stayed at Number Two Meeting Street in Charleston and I cried the whole time because I was so scared. My husband just HAD to pick the oldest town to go to. He paid for it though.

23.I’m a huge fan of Harry Potter, Twilight, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.
24. I think Tivo is the best thing ever invented! I’m not sure how I survived before we got it.

25.I have loved reconnecting with some old friends on Facebook. I’m also a big fan of Myspace.


Stephanie said...

Gosh. I wish I would have known all these things about you a long time ago. We have so much in common. I HATE FEET!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a big thing in my house. The only feet that I mind our my sweet baby girls. EWWWEEE

~*~Bre~*~ said...

I tagged you on my blog... I have a facebook, too. Add me, chick!

Brianne Wolf

How have ya been? I haven't commented forever!! :o)

JenGMomof2Boys said...

I had no idea there was a Todd Elementary! How cool!!
I'll be able to remember your birthday now, because I'm a Titanic history buff!
My dad got my stepmom an ice machine... think it's called Sno. pretty cool... geez, i have so many comments but short term memory! so now i can't remember what else i needed to comment on!