Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Walking In a Winter Wonderland....er, dusting

Sigh. Gotta love the South. Everyone in the Upstate of SC was very excited last night (well, everyone except the Northerners who came down here to get away from the snow). The weatherman was telling us we'd wake up to snow...and a good bit of it. I prepped myself for snow cream. It's been so long since I'd had it, I wasn't sure I remembered how to make it, but man was I ready to try!! I had Julia's snow suit ready to go. I woke up this morning early and ran to the window, only to see what has come to be the normal once-per-year-snow for the South. Just a light dusting. I was so disappointed. Julia, however, saw it as she walked past the door and started jumping up and down yelling "Mommy, SNOW!!!" Poor thing...this light dusting is the only snow she's seen, and she was excited about it. I tried to tell her about the great snow of '88....you remember the one - out of school for 2 weeks...but you know, 2 year olds don't listen to stories about the good ol' days too much. Why can't we have snow like that anymore? That was the life! I remember having so much fun when I was little, as we'd get a pretty good snow every year. Can we say global warming?? Oh well, maybe next year.


Amanda-The Family News! said...

Oh how I love being 31 and waking up all thru the night and in the morning and the first thing I can do is run to the window to look and see how much snow there is (or isn't)... and yes when I post about the snow on my blog you will see this same discussion!!!!

Ohilda said...

Oooh...I'd love to have even a little snow dust here! But alas, it ain't happening in So. Florida. ::sniff::


Deborah said...

We had our last big snow here in SA back in 1985. 16 inches, only I lived in West TX at the time so I missed it. Since then just ice a few times. We're thinking of traveling to the snow next year since Connor will be 3 by then. Sorry you missed out on the snow cream, is it good?