Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Miracle Baby

During this festive season, we celebrate the birth of a miracle baby. Of course Jesus is the miracle baby, and this certainly isn't to take away from Him, but I have a miracle baby of my own. Here's Julia's story.
On Julia's birthday, 9/23/06, I made it very clear that I wanted her placed on my chest as soon as she was born. I had read that it was the best time to start bonding, and I could NOT wait to see her. So after my 4 hours of pushing, Julia finally arrived. I was completely exhausted after that, but I was anxiously awaiting them to pull her out and put her on my chest. Only, they didn't. I saw the doctor and the nurse exchange the "look" and they took her to the little table where they examine the babies as soon as they were born. It didn't really hit me that something was wrong, I just thought that maybe they had forgotten. I heard Julia crying, and thought everything was just fine. And thank God, it was. No one ever said anything to me about Julia's "problem". They never explained to me why they didn't grant my wish. Until the next day. Julia's pediatrician came into the room and told me what had happened. Apparently the second Julia was born, she had an aneursym in her umbilical cord. The SECOND she was born. Dr. Donna told me that had it happened one second before it did, she would have died instantly. I still get chills down my spine thinking about it. One second made the difference between life and death. Our doctor also told me that in all of the 20 years she had been a doctor, she had never seen that happen in a full-term baby.
So I thank God for that. I truly do think it's a miracle that the aneurysm didn't happen when she was still dependant on the cord. And I certainly can't imagine my life without Julia!!


Amanda-The Family News! said...

WOW! I don't think you have ever told me that story. That sends chills down my spine too. Having a baby truly is a miracle - I think about them taking Avery to NICU right after he was born and me not getting to be with him for hours afterwards.... I still recall my mom saying how she didn't think he was even alive when he came out... Oh how I love these babies of ours!

Deborah said...

Thank you Lord for Your timing. I'm so glad they didn't tell you until later. What an amazing story and what a miracle!

LyndsAU said...

what an amazing story! God was watching over your little Julia :) She is adorable!! Hey-email me at and I will forward you that creepy email!

Alicia W. said...

Okay Becky - You have letter T!! Have fun and can't wait to see what you come up with. :o)