Thursday, December 4, 2008

Caution! Slippery When Iced Over

Hrmmm, that sign sure would have been helpful Tuesday morning. I was running late (as usual) on Tuesday. Julia and I were running all over this house like mad women. Me, trying to get out the door; Julia, just because that's what she does. I finally got coats on and out the door we went. Our front porch has six steps down to the ground. So apparently when it's 21 degrees outside, those steps freeze over. They are stone, so I couldn't see ice on them. I hit that first step and there I went. I don't remember it, but apparently I let go of Julia's hand and grabbed on to the rail on the way down. As I landed on the bottom, I heard Julia screaming. I just knew she had gotten hurt and frantically tried to find her. Turns out, she was still up at the top of the stairs and had not fallen at all. She was just crying "Mommy Mommy". I guess it scared her pretty bad. I dragged myself up the steps to hold her and tell her I was ok. After a few minutes, she said "Mommy, your shoes" over and over. Turns out she was pretty worried that my shoes were down on the ground instead of on my feet. Ok, that part is pretty funny...she's starting early with the whole women love shoes thing. I finally got up the nerve to put pressure on my leg to see if it was broken...I just knew it was. But nope! Thank God! I am pretty beat up and have a nasty place on my shin, but other than that, I am fine. I am so could have been a lot worse than it was!!!
And oh yeah, I was late. Fortunately, my boss is pretty cool about stuff like that.

Speaking of best friends...he is starting the adopton process! I am so happy for him and can't wait to be an aunt!! I've never been one of those before :)


Amanda-The Family News! said...

Oh no - I am so glad you didn't get hurt. You are right it could have been worse...I remember those stairs!
That is great about Dale adopting!!! I am excited too...of course I just love kids!!

Stephanie said...

That is awful. Glad to hear you are okay.

Good for him. I am sure you will be a wonderful aunt.

~*~Bre~*~ said...

YIKES! That totally sounds like something I would do. I have never in my life claimed to be graceful. When I was preggo, I slipped and fell or tripped a total of 4 times. Thankfully none of it hurt her! Glad you're ok! Now you know that your steps get slippery. Unfortunately you had to learn that the hard way! :o(


Deborah said...

Ouch! We don't have an ice problem here but I've slipped before. How scary to be worried about your daughter at the same time. We're hoping to head for some snow maybe next year when Connor is 3. BTW I slept last night, here's hoping for 2 in a row.