Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thanks a lot, Jules

Sigh...are there no secrets any more? Can no one be trusted?

Last night, Julia woke up screaming at the top of her lungs. Usually, David sleeps (or pretends to) right through the middle of the night wake up calls, but for some reason he got up for this one. I heard him make his way into her room, and then as he got right to her crib, I heard her yell
Geez, thanks a lot Julia. You weren't supposed to say anything.
Hahahahaha I have laughed about that one all day.


Amanda-The Family News! said...

hahaha....Now THAT is funny!!!

~*~Bre~*~ said...

talk about busting out a huge laugh totally OUT LOUD.... that is totally hilarious!!! man, jules, you totally let the cat out of the bag on that one.... kinda like the time your twin, in WAL MART, let it out really loudly that "mommy tinkered (stinkered)"... when that was NOT true at all.... you girls need to learn how to keep your lips zipped.... the little zipper thing is sounding better and better.... lips, eyes, all of the above... thanks for the fab idea, lady gaga!! :o)

Anonymous said...

haha juliwa!! isn't it so fun to say things that make mommy look bad? it is the best! my favorite is being good for everyone else, and then throwing nasty temper tantrums for mommy... that makes her really happy!! i'll make you another video soon. bye twrin!!


Stephanie said...

O my. That is so funny.....