Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Taking a Trip!

I'm so excited! David has just announced that we are going on a trip this weekend for our anniversary...and it's a surprise! I love surprises :) Arrangements have already been made for the munchkin to stay with her aunt and then her grandma. He's so good to me! I'll let y'all know where we went on Sunday night when we get back. Now normally, I'd worry the whole night if Julia spends the night with someone else, just because I want her to sleep good and not keep the keeper awake. But I am vowing to myself that I will NOT worry about that this weekend...I'll just enjoy myself!! I deserve this!
Woohoo!!! OK, I'm going to calm down now. Just wanted to share!!

1 comment:

Amanda-The Family News! said...

Can you sneak me in your suitcase? I promise I will sleep out in the hallway...or outside if there is no hallway!