Friday, November 14, 2008

Friends Forever (or until she becomes a teenager)

Seems I've had a bit of writer's block. I really wanted to get on here and blog, but just couldn't think of anything worthy. Yeah, still don't really have anything. My MIL had some cancer removed from her ankle, so she's been staying with us for the past week. It's nice having someone here when we get home from work, and Julia loves running in the house and seeing her...however, it's kinda tough not being in the "norm" routine. I feel like I have to entertain. I know I don't, and that she feels right at home, but still.

One sweet thing to mention - last night as I was putting Julia in her crib for night-night, she threw her arms around my neck and said "Mommy, you my best friend". Oh yeah, I melted. She could have asked me to buy her anything at that moment and it would have been hers :) Fortunately we were at home and not Wal-Mart. She sure is becoming vocal. I mean, she's always talked and stuff, but here lately her little conversations are just really coming together. I am loving every minute of it!!

Ok, so how wrong would it be of me to put up the Christmas tree this weekend? I am SO in the Christmas spirit, and I just can't wait! I feel like my mom might have a stroke if she finds out I do it before Thanksgiving :) Maybe she just doesn't need to know. I'll still be very thankfull for all of the blessings in my life at Thanksgiving, just with a Christmas tree. So, what do you think?

Hope you all have a great weekend!


~*~Bre~*~ said...

Thanks for voting!! As you can tell, we are in serious need of a bathroom remodel! There were a few things that kinda fell apart after we bought the house that should have been taken care of before it was ever put on the market. The only positive thing about this whole experience of having to replace everything is when we go to sell it, we'll get a lot more money because everything that was crappy will be brand new.

My munchkin isn't carrying on that in depth of conversations yet, but I love it when she looks at me and says "Mom I wove yewwww" It's so sweet, and I, like you, cherish it now b/c when she's 14, it's going to be more like "Mom, I hate you, you ruined my life".

Have a super weekend!


Amanda-The Family News! said...

Oh I am SO in love with the conversations being had with Avery currently too!!! They are GREAT!!! And girl, pull out the Christmas tree - I have already inventoried the ornaments and figured out what I need to go pick up...but I HAVE put out some of the Christmas knick-knacks!!!!! :)

JenGMomof2Boys said...

awww, how sweet that julia is!!
put up that tree, girl!! i've been entertaining thoughts of decorating before thanksgiving, too! of course, i still have halloween things on the mantle :P

Ohilda said...

I remember when my little Amanda (thanks for going to her blog!!!) always used to say I was her best friend. Yep, she's a teenager now. Although we love each other, she definitely shows her teenager hormornes once in a while and it saddens me. I know it'll go away and I'm hoping by the time she's 29 she's back to being my bff.



Amanda-The Family News! said...

Duh - I did know you added a 3rd column to this!!!!looks good!

Deborah said...

So tomorrow is Thanksgiving and you can officially put your tree up right. You need to post photos!