Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Today is our 6 year wedding anniversary! And what better way to celebrate than to stay at home all day with a miserably-sick two year old! David is blaming it on running around in the cold Halloween night. Whatever the cause, here we sit!
Here we were six years how things change in a few years!!
Where we met: David and I both worked at the corporate office at Denny's. I had the hots for him since day one...he took a little bit longer to come around. Finally after excessive flirting for over a year, he finally asked me out :)
Our first date: David picked me up at my parent's house. Late. Of course. I don't think he's been on time for anything. Anyway, we went to eat at Red Lobster and then went to see "What Women Want"
Our engagement: On a very chilly rainy day in March, 2002, David said he wanted to take a drive. We went up to Ceasar's Head and drove around until it stopped raining. Yeah, I thought he was crazy. We walked up to the very top of the mountain where he dropped to one knee and popped the question! It was very romantic. He said he just couldn't wait any longer, so that's why we had to go out on the rainy day.
Our wedding: David and I were married on November 2, 2002 at Saint Christopher's Episcopal Church. It was beautiful! We then went to Charleston for a week for our honeymoon.
2 houses and one kid later, here we are!! I love you David!!!


Amanda-The Family News! said...

happy anniversary!!!!
That's quite a movie to go see on your first date - at least David knew what you wanted!!!!

Sorry Julia doesn't feel well!

Stephanie said...

Happy Anniversary. I hope you have a wonderful day. I hope Julia feels better soon. I hate when they are sick.

Unknown said...

wow--2002 must've been a good year, it's six for us too! happy anniversary! btw, the "most haunted" house we lived in is the inspiration for my novel in progress...

~*~Bre~*~ said...

Well, hello, sister from another mother!!! :o) Glad to meet you... it's nice to know I have someone out there that is almost 100% like me! Your little girl is adorable. I'm totally liking our similarities! Have a great night, and I'll definitely come back for more visits and commenting!


HorribleLicensePlates said...

Cute engagement story. Similar to mine :-) Happy belated anniversary!