Saturday, October 11, 2008

Getting Started

Ok, here we go again. My friend Amanda has been blogging for a while and I really enjoy reading her posts. So I'm going to do it too. I've started blogging before but it kinda fell through, so I'm hoping I can start it up and keep it up! A little bit about me and my family: My name is Becky and I currently live in Enoree SC (don't know? don't ask...nothing here at all except a Lil' Cricket). I was born and raised in Boiling Springs SC and would give anything to be back there. I'm working on convincing my husband that we need to move back, but he's a little hard to convince. He hates the BS traffic (take BS however you'd like). I'll admit, it is bad, but we could always take the back roads :) Anyway...we were married almost 6 years ago and have a 2 year old daughter, Julia. I imagine most of my posts will be about her, since she is my life and pretty much all I do! I'm a big fan of Tivo, and wonder how I made it before we invested. I love animals, and have a very hard time not feeding the strays that wander up to my back porch. For some reason, people enjoy dumping their unwanted animals on my street and I can not turn them we have about 8 outside cats now and some random dogs. I don't count the dogs because they never stick around. I guess the cats know they have it made. So...if you are wanting to get rid of your animals without worrying about their outcome, dump them in my yard. Sigh. It really ticks me off but I'm a softy. I'm going to stop now so that I'll have stuff to talk about later :)

1 comment:

Amanda-The Family News! said...

YEA!!!! I am glad to see you back here in blog world!!! I will help you set up whatever you want!!!

Love how it sounds like BS is such a HUGE town!!! We never go thru town - except on my way to work!!! There really is alot of traffic!!