Monday, October 20, 2008

Not Me Monday

It's that time again! Time to tell the things I absolutely did not do last week. We all know, but Not Me Mondays started over at MckMama’s blog – My Charming Kids, and is a lot of fun. So here we go...

I did not sleep until 3:00 Saturday while my daughter was at her aunt's. I did not tell my husband that if he woke me up for anything I would hurt him. It did not feel wonderful to act like a teenager again and sleep all day.

I did not sneak into my 10 year high school reunion after the people taking the money had gone home at 9:30. That would have been so wrong. None of my friends did that either. $120 is a very fair price for some wonderful food, so I was more than happy to pay it. (please note that I really didn't eat any of the food)

I did not dance at said reunion like I was back in high school. I have gained waaaaay too much weight to be dancing to "Baby Got Back", even though that would have been very appropriate.

I did not order sweet tea at the Lake Bowen Fish Camp last night. I have been drinking unsweet tea for years, and that would be tempting me to get off my "diet".

I did not spend hours yesterday looking at Cake Wrecks blog while my mother chased my child around the yard.

So, what did you not do?


Amanda-The Family News! said...

Girl that cake wrecks is SO funny!!!
Did you get pictures from the reunion??? Glad you "did not" get to sneak in!!!

Kameron said...

I love the Cake wrecks blog! She literally has me laughing with every post. Have a great week!

The Liebers said...

I saw your post at MckMama's site. I, too, am a cake wrecks lover! I love your list. Thanks for playing!

Ohilda said...

I was cracking up about sneaking into the reunion! That's hilarious! By the way...I DO NOT love "Baby Got Back" and will not be singing it in my brain for the rest of the night.

Gonna go check out Cake Wrecks.


Stacey said...

I'm with you on sneaking into the reunion...that is just being economical in these crazy financial times!

Mama Kautz said...

wish Ihad thought of sneaking in to my ahem 20th.....and what is baby got back LOL I am dating myself huh?

Stephanie said...

I wish we would have thought of that. HA HA, but the two year old wouldn't have been real fun for anyone there.

Deborah said...

Wow, your 10 year Reunion. I'll be going to my 25th in 2 years with a 9 and 4 year old along. I missed being pregnant at my 20th by one month. Hope this makes you feel very young. I do know that song though, mostly thanks to FRIENDS.

Loved the Cake Wrecks, although that cake really scared me until I understood what the blog was really about!