Top Ten Thursday - Letter T
Game time!!!!
All you have to do is make a list of ten of your favorite things. But there is a little catch. Everything on the list has to start with a specific letter of the Alphabet. That letter is randomly assigned by the blogger who you are playing with!I got assigned the letter T from
All These B's and Me1.
Tigger - I've always been a big fan of the whole gang on Winnie The Pooh. I'm pretty sure my obsession has grown as I've gotten older :)
Tiny Toes - Something about a baby's toes just makes me go crazy! So cute and little!! But they have to be baby toes, cause I hate feet once they get big. Seriously, they freak me out. Don't look at mine, and I won't look at yours. LOL (everybody's got something weird about them, right?)
Trees - Christmas trees that is!
Tivo - I am in love with Tivo. How in the world did we ever live before we had a machine that would record our shows for us while we are watching another show?? Don't want to watch commercials? Badupe badupe badupe (for those of you without Tivo (get it) that's the sound it makes when you fast forward!)
Twilight - Oh yeah, I am one of those Twilight freaks. If you haven't read the series, I HIGHLY recommend it. I'm pretty much in love with Edward. You can't help it after you read'll be in love with him too. The only problem is, the books are geared towards teenagers, so there's no action, if you catch my drift ;)
Thai Taste - That's our local Thai restaurant. I get the same thing over and over (House Noodles with Beef) but it's so good!! Maybe one day I'll get brave and order something else.
Two year olds - I'm not biased or anything, but man I love me a two year old!!!!
The Children's Place - I love shopping for Julia's clothes there. They have such cute stuff, and if you're patient, you can catch some great sales!
Titanic - My all time favorite movie. I'm pretty sure I've seen it 100 times.
Thursdays! - You gotta love Thursdays...cause Friday is just a day away!!!
Let me know if you'd like to play along, I'll assign you a letter!